Mesozoïcum - перевод на Английский
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Mesozoïcum - перевод на Английский

Mesozoic era         
  • [[Dinosaur]]s were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates throughout much of the Mesozoic.
  • ''[[Tylosaurus]]'' (a [[mosasaur]]) hunting ''[[Xiphactinus]]''
  • Conifers were the dominant terrestrial plants for most of the Mesozoic, with [[grasses]] becoming widespread in the [[Late Cretaceous]]. [[Flowering plant]]s appeared late in the era but did not become widespread until the [[Cenozoic]].
  • ''[[Plateosaurus]]'' (a [[prosauropod]])
  • ''[[Sericipterus]]''
  • ''[[Stegosaurus]]''
Mesozoic Era; Mesozoic period; Mesozoic era; The Age of the Dinosaurs; The age of the dinosaurs; Mesozoicum; Secondary era; Secondary period; Age of dinosaurs; Secondary Era; Secondary Period; Dodicurus era; Age of gymnosperms; Mezozoic
het Mesozoïcum (op één na jongste hoofdtijdperk, waarin de kruipdieren tot hoogste ontwikkeling kwamen)
Mesozoic era, geological period in which reptiles reached their peak of development and became extinct
jurassic period         
  • alt=alt=A realistic black-and-white portrait of Brongniart, who is clean shaven with a full head of hair. He is dressed in a formal jacket
  • alt=Fossil of complete Archaeopteryx, including indentations of feathers on wings and tail
  • left
  • Skeleton of ''[[Coeruleodraco]]''
  • ''[[Eryon]],'' a [[polychelida]]n decapod crustacean from the Late Jurassic of Germany.
  • Middle Jurassic strata in [[Neuquén Province]], Argentina
  • Gasteretal]], Switzerland
  • left
  • ''[[Henkelotherium]],'' a likely arboreal dyolestoid from the Late Jurassic of Portugal
  • Skeleton of ''[[Heterodontosaurus]],'' a primitive ornithischian from the Early Jurassic of South Africa
  • alt=Skeleton of an icthyosaur in side view
  • alt=Topside view of a  salamander skeleton
  • scorpionfly]] from the Late Jurassic of China
  • Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum]]'' from the Middle-Late Jurassic of China
  • ''[[Mongolarachne]]'' from the Late Jurassic of China
  • Grainstone with calcitic [[ooids]] and sparry calcite cement; [[Carmel Formation]], Middle Jurassic, of southern Utah, USA
  • The breakup of [[Gondwanaland]] took place during the Late Jurassic, the [[Indian Ocean]] opened up as a result
  • Formation of the Pacific Plate during the Early Jurassic
  • alt=Fossil of a shark preserved in bottom-up view
  • Pangaea at the start of Jurassic
  • alt=Two images of a round conifer cone, the left one is in cross-section
  • telosaurid]] [[thalattosuchia]]n
  • Fossil specimen of ''[[Proteroctopus]]'' from the Middle Jurassic of France, formerly thought to be worlds oldest known octopus
  • left
  • Rhomaleosaurus cramptoni]]'' at the Natural History Museum
  • alt=A fossil leaf, four elongate leaves branch off from the same point on the stem
  • ''[[Thalassemys]],'' a [[thalassochelydia]]n sea turtle known from the Late Jurassic of Germany
  • Fossil of ''[[Thrissops]],'' an [[ichthyodectid]] stem-group teleost from the Late Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone of Germany, showing preserved colouration
  • Tidwell Member of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic), Colorado
  • 250x250px
Jurassic period; Jurassic Period; Jurasic; Jurassic Era; Jurassic era; Jurassic System; Jurrasic; Dinosaur types of the jurassic; Draft:Early-Mid Jurassic; Jura (geology); Jura era; Climate of the Jurassic; Tithonian extinction event
tweede periode van Mesozoïcum (Geologie); periode van 190 miljoen tot 135 miljoen jaren geleden


·noun The Mesozoic age or formation.
II. Mesozoic ·adj Belonging, or relating, to the secondary or reptilian age, or the era between the Paleozoic and Cenozoic. ·see Chart of Geology.


Het geologisch tijdvak Mesozoïcum (afgeleid van Grieks: μέσος (mésos) = midden; ζώω (zóo) = leven: "tijdperk van het midden-leven") of Secundair (verouderde naam) is een era in de geologische tijdschaal (of een erathem in de stratigrafie), die duurde van 252,2 ± 0,5 miljoen jaar (Ma) tot 66,0 Ma.Gradstein et al.